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Research area

The Institute carries out research and implementation of innovations in the fields of pharmacology, naturopathy, organic farming, ecology and defense, based on knowledge and experience related to the unique environmental, social and humanitarian challenges, as well as defense tasks facing Ukraine, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. We support research and invest in technology to help farmers fight climate change and use environmentally friendly products by implementing sustainable agricultural practices. Our permaculture developments help reduce the use of agrochemicals and water, restore soil fertility, prevent degradation even after war, and help create sustainable ecosystems with safe crops.

The use of chemical treatments has become the norm today. At the same time, the effect of drugs on the human body is quite ambiguous: on the one hand, they cure the disease, but at the same time, we get a number of side effects. That is why our team has focused on the production and use of bioorganic and nanomaterials in medicine. The advantages of such medicines are their precise effect on the cells affected by the disease without negative consequences for other organs. Therefore, we invest and raise funding in the development of new types of human-friendly medicines.

Naturopathy uses natural methods to treat and prevent diseases. It is effective for allergies, chronic pain, and digestive problems. It also helps with sleep problems.This approach values the body as a whole in an effort to improve your health. It activates the body’s internal forces to heal itself.Naturopathy may include the use of herbs, dietary changes, and homeopathy. These methods strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.

Based on our in-depth knowledge of the unique environmental, social and humanitarian challenges facing Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, we support research and investment in technologies to help farmers in their fight against climate change, and to help them use more environmentally friendly products by implementing sustainable farming practices that are friendly to people and in harmony with nature. We introduce permaculture developments and technologies that help nature, from reducing the use of agrochemicals and using less water for irrigation, without losing yields, but rather increasing their quantity and quality.

The wildlife around us is not a disorderly, random combination of living things. It is a stable, organized system of the organic world that has developed in the course of the evolution of the organic world. The central place in ecology is occupied by the problem of the dynamics and size of populations and the mechanisms of its regulation. It reveals the importance of the participation of population (competition for food) and biocenotic (predators, parasites, pathogens) mechanisms.