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Competitive transformations of thermal depolymerization technology for TBV processing

MSW recycling | environmental technologies | sorting lines

Competitive transformations of thermal depolymerization technology for TBV processing

In the face of a global environmental crisis, modern waste processing technologies play a key role in creating a sustainable future. One such technology is thermal depolymerization.

Waste processing equipment: innovation and ecology

recycling | depolymerization | ERVO technology

Waste processing equipment: innovation and ecology

Environmentally friendly processing of mixed household waste is made possible by modern equipment. The MSW processing complex is based on high-tech installations that ensure efficiency and minimal environmental impact.

Energy independence through household waste recycling: advantages of an innovative energy complex

environmental technologies | ERVO modules | sorting lines

Energy independence through household waste recycling: advantages of an innovative energy complex

The problem of effective management of municipal solid waste (MSW) is becoming increasingly urgent. An innovative project of an energy complex for processing mixed waste offers a modern solution that not only minimizes its impact on the environment, but also generates valuable commodity resources.

Using ERVO technology. Processing equipment

recycling | plastic | depolymerization

Using ERVO technology. Processing equipment

The technology of processing organic high-molecular waste and materials (plastics, solid alternative fuel TAT, sewage sludge) by thermal depolymerization is not new from the point of view of the physicochemical process - equipment for thermal processing of raw materials was used as early as 1938 in Germany and England.

Overview of waste storage processes

TB | Resource recovery | environmental investments

Overview of waste storage processes

Sources of solid waste generation are organizations and enterprises, the population of city districts, and infrastructure facilities. The population accounts for the maximum amount of solid waste generated.

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Institute of Nanotechnology and Organic Products

Our Mission

Development of scientific potential and practical application of innovations in the field of environmental protection, agriculture, crop production, biology, biochemistry, pharmacy and medicine, as well as special purpose industries, to support and strengthen Ukraine’s image in the global technology and research market.


The use of chemical treatments has become the norm today.


Naturopathy uses natural methods to treat and prevent diseases.

Organic farming

We support research and investment in technology to help farmers in their fight against climate change


Environmental technologies, through the introduction and development of technologies to restore and enhance soil fertility, as well as soil renovation

Avelife Institute of Nanotechnology and Organic Products specializes in advanced research and development in nanotechnology, organic chemistry, medicine and agrotechnology. The institute creates innovative products and implements those already created by domestic scientists and partners, which find application in various fields, including naturopathy, classical medicine, pharmaceuticals, agro-technology and ecology.


Developing nanomaterials by creating new materials with unique properties for use in the defense, agriculture, and medicine sectors.

Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry, through the research and synthesis of organic compounds for pharmaceutical and agro-technological applications, including the development of organic farming.


Environmental technologies, through the introduction and development of technologies to restore and enhance soil fertility, as well as soil renovation, to overcome the consequences of the war.

The Institute actively develops international cooperation, joining forces with scientific, educational and industrial partners from different countries. We participate in joint research projects, exchange of experience and technologies, especially in the fields of organic farming, pharmacology, ecology and defense. Drawing on our experience in addressing the environmental and social challenges faced by Ukraine and other countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, we promote the introduction of innovative technologies that support sustainable agriculture and environmental restoration, and help to adapt to climate change on a global scale.

Academic staff

Andrii Petrovych Gyzhko

Honored Economist of Ukraine
D. in Economics,
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science

Anatoly Mikhailovich Demchenko

Honored inventor
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Timur Vladimirovich Levda

Author of innovations
Reports Publications Video gallery
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м. Vinnytsia, 51 Mykola Ovodova str. 1, 5th floor



