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Successful foreign cases of innovative methods of restoration of agricultural lands

Degradation of agricultural land is one of the main threats to global food security. Due to improper use, erosion, salinization and pollution, soil fertility is decreasing, which creates challenges for farmers and agricultural producers. At the same time, innovative methods of soil restoration are demonstrating impressive results in the world. In this article, we will consider successful cases from different countries that can serve as an example for Ukraine.

1. Regenerative agriculture: the US experience

Method: implementing crop rotation, cover crops, and minimal tillage.

Case: Gabe Brown Farm (North Dakota, USA).

Gabe Brown began using regenerative farming methods after his farm suffered a series of crop failures. He completely abandoned pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, introduced multicomponent crop rotation and cover crops. Over 20 years, his soils became many times more fertile, and the income per hectare doubled. The main tool was the biological activity of the soil, which was restored thanks to natural processes. Now Gabe Brown’s “Regenerative Agriculture” has gained popularity and is being implemented around the world.

Gabe Brown’s concept is an agroecosystem management system that aims to restore natural ecosystem functions, increase biodiversity, improve soil structure, and enhance soil fertility. Key principles include: minimizing tillage, maintaining permanent soil cover, crop diversity, integrating livestock, and using cover crops. It is an approach that combines environmental sustainability with economic efficiency, contributing to carbon sequestration, water conservation, and improved soil health.

Regenerative agriculture is directly related to No-till and Strip-till technologies. Both of these systems are important elements of the approach, as they help minimize disturbance to the soil structure, which is a key principle of regenerative agriculture.

  • No-till: involves the complete abandonment of mechanical tillage, which reduces erosion, conserves moisture, and improves soil organic matter.
  • Strip-till: involves cultivating only narrow strips for sowing, leaving other areas of soil untouched, which also reduces erosion and moisture loss, while creating conditions for rapid plant growth.

Both technologies are actively used by Gabe Brown in combination with cover crops, crop rotation, and livestock integration to achieve the goal of soil regeneration and agroecosystem sustainability.

2. Agroforestry: Success in Nigeria

Method: integration of trees and shrubs into agricultural land.

Case: FMNR (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration) project.

In northern Nigeria, where land is suffering from drought and erosion, farmers have started growing trees alongside traditional crops. This has helped reduce soil erosion, increase moisture levels, and improve the microclimate. As a result, yields have increased by 50%, and farmers have received additional income from timber and fruit.

Case: Green Industrialization Program.

Aimed at implementing environmentally friendly technologies in industry, which helps reduce soil pollution and improve soil fertility. Promoted the implementation of green standards and certifications, allowing companies to differentiate themselves from competitors and increase their productivity, which also contributes to improving soil health.

Case: Green Agricultural Technology Innovation Center Project: This center works to develop new technologies and approaches to improve soil fertility and increase crop yields.

3. Bioengineering solutions: restoring saline lands in the Netherlands

Method: growing salt-tolerant crops and using biotechnology.

Case: Salt Farm Texel project.

On the island of Texel in the Netherlands, farmers faced the problem of soil salinization due to rising sea levels. In response, they developed an innovative method of growing salt-tolerant crops such as potatoes, carrots and onions. By using controlled saltwater irrigation and microbial fertilizers, the farmers not only restored the productivity of the land, but also created products that became an export hit.

The Netherlands actively supports agricultural practices that help reduce soil salinity, such as regulating water regimes and using drainage systems.

4. Use of biochar: examples from Australia, Spain, Kenya

Method: incorporating biochar into the soil to improve its structure and moisture retention.

Case: Biochar for Sustainable Soils project.

In Australia, on a farm in New South Wales, applying biochar to degraded soils helped increase maize and wheat yields by 25%. Biochar helped improve soil structure, increase organic matter content and water use efficiency, increase ash content and increase the number of microorganisms. This helped restore vegetation cover and improve the ecosystem.

A study in Spain showed that using Biochar in tomato soil increased yields by 20%. Biochar increased soil ash content, increased moisture retention, and improved mineral distribution, which promoted plant growth.

In Kenya, using Biochar to improve soil fertility on farms, it was found that its addition helped retain moisture, increase mineral content, and improve soil structure. This significantly increased the yield of maize and other staple crops, which in turn improved the economic situation of farmers.

5. Composting on an industrial scale: successful experiences in Germany, the USA, Spain, India

Method: Using organic waste to create compost that is returned to the soil.

Case: Municipal project in Bavaria.

In Bavaria, farmers have formed a cooperative to collect organic waste from local communities. The waste is processed into compost, which farmers use to enrich the soil. This initiative has not only reduced the cost of synthetic fertilizers, but also increased crop yields by 30%.

Small industrial and non-industrial projects deserve special attention:

“Composting in the City” in New York, USA – this project aims to create compost bins throughout the city to reduce organic waste and create more organic soil for local parks and gardens.

“Composting in Schools” in Spain – This project involves installing compost bins in schools to teach children the importance of recycling waste and creating soil for school gardens.

“Rural Composting” in India – This project aims to provide farms with the means to compost agricultural waste to improve soil quality and increase yields.

6. “Living Filter” Technology: The Israeli Experience

Method: using microorganisms to purify water and enrich soils.

Case: Kibbutz Lotan project.

In Israel, where water resources are limited, farmers have implemented biofilter systems that purify wastewater for irrigation. The biofilters enrich the water with beneficial bacteria that stimulate soil fertility. This has increased the productivity of vegetable cultivation in arid regions.

In Ukraine, bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas have been used for some time as phenol destructors in water purification biotechnology and soil bioremediation.

7. Domestic soil bioremediation

Method: using microorganisms, plants, or their enzymes to break down or remove harmful substances to clean up contaminated soils

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, such as those of the genus Rhizobium, are important players in soil bioremediation because they fix atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a form that can be used by plants. This significantly improves soil fertility and promotes healthy plant growth.

Mycorrhizal fungi, in particular, form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, helping them access nutrients that would be difficult to obtain without their help. For example, fungi of the genus Glomus can significantly increase the efficiency of phosphorus uptake by plants, which is essential for their healthy development.

Bioremediation using microorganisms and fungi is a very effective way to restore soils and improve their productivity. It is a natural and sustainable approach that helps restore the ecosystem and ensure long-term fertility of the land. The process is an alternative to chemical and physical remediation methods, offering a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach.


Modern methods of land restoration prove that innovations can not only improve the condition of soils, but also provide farmers with stable yields and incomes. For Ukraine, which has significant agricultural potential, the implementation of such practices can become a strategic direction of development. The successful experience of other countries shows that soil restoration is not only an ecological necessity, but also an economically profitable investment.

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