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The concept of an ecosystem approach for continued existence

Modern civilization faces the challenges of depletion of natural resources, erosion, soil degradation and loss of biodiversity. In our case, it is burdened by military defeats. For the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, a fundamentally new approach to interaction with the environment is necessary. The ecosystem approach involves the creation of self-sufficient, waste-free biosystems that support the health of the ecosphere, meeting the needs of people. This concept is based on the integration of natural biocenoses with cities symbiotic with nature and the application of a syntropic approach to sustainable development.

1. Key components of the ecosystem approach

1.1. Forests, Groves, and Gardens

Complex tree and shrub ecosystems play a key role in maintaining water balance, preserving soils, and creating a favorable microclimate, while simultaneously growing fruits and berries, which include:

  • Forests are multi-tiered ecosystems with the use of agroforestry, which stabilize the climate and are centers of biodiversity.
  • Groves are transitional zones between forests and agricultural lands that promote the spread of beneficial fauna.
  • Orchards are productive systems that include perennial crops (fruit trees, nuts, berries) and support a steady harvest. Include landscape species.

1.2. Steppe Fields (including lyktava) – Apiary (Beekeeping, Bumblebee farming)

Steppe-field ecosystems restore soil fertility and are a source of food for pollinators:

  • Steppes and fields – the application of permaculture and syntropic methods to maintain land productivity.
  • Medicinal herbs (potions) – the cultivation of beneficial plants that support human health and biodiversity.
  • Apiary, beekeeping, and beekeeping are the active breeding of pollinators to increase yields and support ecosystem processes.

1.3. Eco-livestock farming

Rational livestock management that maintains ecological balance:

  • Flexible grazing – soil restoration through pasture rotation and symbiosis with perennial grasses.
  • Multifunctional farms – inclusion of animals in agroforestry systems.
  • Organic retention – waste minimization through composting, biogas plants, and the use of wastewater in irrigation.

1.4. Aquafarming

Interconnected aquatic ecosystems as an integral part of the ecological balance:

  • Aquaponics is the integration of fish farming with hydroponic crop production.
  • Bio-lakes and wetland systems – natural water filtration and moisture retention.
  • Marine and freshwater ecosystems – sustainable fishing and breeding of aquatic biological resources.

2. Symbiotic with the nature of the city

The basis of the concept is cities that interact harmoniously with the biosphere:

  • Vertical farms and green roofs – minimizing the thermal effect and producing food within the city.
  • Closed resource cycles – efficient use of water, composting of organic waste.
  • Energy self-sufficiency – use of renewable energy, geothermal and solar systems.

3. Systems interaction and the syntropic approach

Syntropy is the principle of ecosystem restoration through intelligent planning of relationships:

  • Enhancing natural interactions between plants, animals, insects and microorganisms.
  • Constant resource regeneration – systems that increase their productivity over time.
  • Refusal of artificial fertilizers and pesticides – replacing them with natural symbiotic mechanisms.

It is this ecosystem approach that creates the opportunity for the formation of sustainable agro-aqua-biocenoses that not only provide humans with all the necessary resources, but also harmonize the relationship between urbanized areas and the natural environment. This is a future where cities do not oppose nature, but integrate into it, ensuring closed cycles of production and life on the real path to a true permaculture civilization!

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